Devlog 16 - DEMO IS OUT! - July 16, 2021

As of Sunday, August 15, 2021, the demo has been replaced by the full version of friends with dogs. It's free! Check it out - head to the bottom of this post to go to the Download section.

Hey everyone! DEMO IS UP! Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The full game is basically all done. This is a super short demo to make sure everything runs smoothly when uploading to itchio.

Download here:

Questions for you:

1 - Did you run into any problems while downloading or playing the demo? Please include what version you downloaded (Windows, Mac, or Linux).
2 - Were you able to view the 3 credits PDFs?
3 - Would you consider playing the full version of friends with dogs?
4 - What did you like about the demo?
5 - What did you dislike about the demo?
6 - What can I do to improve future games?
7 - What can I do to improve future demos?

This devlog takes the place of the upcoming biweekly Sunday-ish devlog. The next devlog will either be a regular update, or a post announcing the release of the full game.

Developer's Log - Entry 16
friends with dogs log
entry 16 - july 16, 2021

Thanks for looking and playing! Keep watch for the full version! ^_^

- M.

As of Sunday, August 15, 2021, the demo has been replaced by the full version of friends with dogs. It's free! Check it out by using the following Download Now button!

Get friends with dogs

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